Monday 30 July 2012

Condensing resources and managing time

Topic Marks - Top Marks for trying!

It is always the way in this ever changing era of technology that as soon as you source a great site to help you to manage time it folds. And so was the case with a great Little site called Topicmarks - I would have thought something this easy would have been heavily utilised however it will unfortunately stop July 25th 2012.

Become the New Rupert Murdoch!

I have always thought that it should be easy to create an on line Newspaper with articles and information that you are specifically interested in. But not being a Journalist myself it seems a huge task sorting the right amount of relevant information required. How great that Paper. Li has created a simple way to link your ideas and others together. I have linked my sight to twitter however you could do it to Face book as well. Here is what my simple paper looks like and I look forward to updates as I link sites to them.

Other sites that I looked at were Strawberry Jam which in my case was a bit sticky! wouldn't let me log on -I did try several times, Myebook and Wibbitz. All great sites and for the budding entrepreneur to help promote your own published material I can see great benefits, for linking your own existing websites to them. My own experiences with these sites and something to watch out for is the hidden costs that sometimes you find later down the track, even though it is advertised as Free etc sometimes these extra costs come in later and in your excitement to use them you may not read the fine print - always a user beware policy should be applied.

What I use.

For the time poor I believe that email summaries are a great way to quickly evaluate the relevance of a site or in my work a program - one site that I use in my work is a site called TV4eduation.  this site lists programs and gives a very brief synopsis as well as a visual still slide show of program content. To help evaluate this site further another site that supports TV program content and gives you just that little more information is called Enhance TV

Vtv is linked with my Twitter account and Facebook site this allows me to further get a brief outline of the newest educational programs that has just been aired. It allows me time to view and make an informed choice as to what programs I would refer to the Teacher Librarian to consider downloading for our catalogue.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Kathy! Your looks good, hopefully it mines lots of good content for you. also thanks for the heads up about the cancellation TopicMarks. Summify has done the same thing recently so I'll have to update that module. Brilliant work as usual :)
