Sunday 26 August 2018

The prints we leave on social media throughout our lives.

As a Librarian, today for the one hundredth time - I listen to wonderful professionals try to explain to our students in schools about the dangers of posting on social media. The use of inappropriate and sometimes dangerous messages that go on and have devastating affects on other students lives. The fact that students believe as bullies that they can be anonymous and no one can find out who they are. If you hold your hand up and look at your finger prints each is absolutely unique to yourself as an individual. This means you touch something - you can leave your prints behind and if you commit a crime this is where our police identify the culprits. So the question to ask our students today is what type of print do they want to leave behind in the world? Our uniqueness in our hand and finger prints is what identifies an individual - look at the people who hardly have anything in their lives. They may live in extreme poverty or suffer through war torn countries, yet many try tosupport their communities and they build on their strengths by touching other peoples lives with a gentle hand. Leaving a calming positive imprint on the hearts of the people they touch. These people are all about looking outside themselves - they want and do make a difference. So encourage our students to touch gently, to go through their lives with a calm and positive approach to their lives. To be strong in their resolve to protect others less fortunate. when you write something down in print it stays forever - think about the words you want to be remembered by, it affects every aspect of your lives. What type of print do you want to leave behind in your life?